Hello and welcome
Happy Talker is a Paediatric Speech and Language Therapy company specialising specifically in the early years. It covers the Wirral Peninsula and surrounding areas.
Happy Talker offers
- one to one therapy,
- home/nursery/school visits,
- clinic near Cheshire Oaks,
- no long waiting lists,
- friendly and experienced therapy for 5 year olds and younger.
What we do
Happy Talker is a small and friendly company specialised in providing private one to one Speech and Language Therapy to children.
- assess and treat speech, language and social communication difficulties
- advise and support parents and educators so that they can do their best for the children and young people in their care
- tailor interventions for the Childs specific needs.
All appointments conveniently take place either at our clinic, in your home or at your child’s nursery/school (at your request if required).

Let’s talk
Please call, email or use the contact form below if you have any concerns. It may be that there is no cause for concern but you might feel better having spoken to someone within the profession. I will offer you friendly advice and arrange an initial appointment if required/requested.